Active inclusion trough heritage : discover a guide of good practices
Promoting heritage renovation and social inclusion through training and skills upgrading for vulnerable unemployed people, including NEETS (young people who are neither in school nor in employment, nor in training) is the action proposed by POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS and all the partners of the European HERO project. Listed in a gallery of inspiring initiatives, read and discover 14 European good practices that are being honoured!
These initiatives are indeed the ones that make the most sense to respond in a comprehensive way to the multiple challenges encountered throughout Europe : the increase in the skills of trainers in this field is necessary at the European level to preserve our common heritage, to transfer know-how and to favour the training and professional integration of vulnerable people by remobilizing them on a prestigious and collective support.
This guide is an illustration of the project’s broader objective : to make the renovation of European heritage a lever for professional, social and environmental inclusion. It highlights the alliance between vocational training/social inclusion and the renovation of the European built heritage through the promotion of existing solutions.
The HERO project aims to strengthen the skills of trainers by creating pedagogical toolkits on the integration and training of vulnerable unemployed people and on the ecological and technical aspects of heritage renovation.
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